On March 27, 2019, the President of Uzbekistan signed Resolution PP-4249 “On the strategy for the further development and reform of the electric power industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan”
  • 27.03.2019
  • 3115

On March 27, 2019, the President of Uzbekistan signed Resolution PP-4249 “On the strategy for the further development and reform of the electric power industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan”


   On March 27, 2019, the President of Uzbekistan signed Decree PP-4249 “On the strategy for the further development and reform of the electric power industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan” (hereinafter referred to as the Decree of the President). The indicated document, with a view to the practical implementation of the tasks of reforming the electric power industry and increasing its investment attractiveness, outlined a comprehensive program of reforming (restructuring) of «Uzbekenergo» Joint Stock Company, aimed at fundamentally improving the institutional and legal framework for activities in the field of electricity generation and supply.

   To effectively solve the tasks and correctly draw up the necessary documents for the reorganization of «Uzbekenergo» JSC with the subsequent transfer of assets and liabilities on the balance sheet, a tender is announced for the selection of a consulting firm or a consortium of firms (hereinafter referred to as the Consultant) for the implementation of a range of services (consulting, legal, audit) , accounting, etc.) for the reorganization of the Company and its enterprises, in accordance with Presidential Decree No. PP-4249.

   The tender proposal must contain the following documents: - proposal of the tender participant to participate in the tender with a preliminary cost of services; - A copy of the license to engage in audit activities; - information about the organization; - a list of the largest customers of the organization and the relevant experience of the audit organization; - copies of qualification certificates of the auditor and other international certificates; - a copy of the insurance policy; - other documents required for submission in accordance with the tender documentation.

   The following organizations are allowed to participate in the competition:
- licensed to conduct audits of all business entities;
- having experience in providing audits according to national audit standards, financial statements drawn up according to national standards for at least 5 years (paragraph 1 for the audit object);

- having experience in providing audits in accordance with international audit standards, financial statements drawn up in accordance with international financial reporting standards for at least 5 years (paragraph 2 for the audit object);

- those included in the list of audit organizations entitled to conduct an external audit of enterprises with a package of shares (stakes) of the state in the authorized capital of more than 50% for the corresponding year - not having negative reviews from enterprises;

- included in the international network in the relevant field of activity; - having the opportunity to submit a financial analysis of the financial and economic activities of industry enterprises based on the results of the reporting period;

- who have undertaken obligations to compensate for damage received by the customer in the future, in connection with the failure by the audit organizations to fulfill their contractual obligations. Applications for participation in the competition are accepted until May 11, 2019.

   Applications for participation in the tender must be sent by mail or submitted to the office of «Uzbekenergo» JSC at the address: 100000, Tashkent, st. Istiklol, 6. Additional information on the selection of an auditor can be found on the website of JSC «Uzbekenergo» www.»Uzbekenergo».uz

   Source: www.»Uzbekenergo».uz
