Brief information about the Joint Trade Union Committee of JSC «National Electric Networks of Uzbekistan»
  • 08.10.2019
  • 988

The name of the trade union committee — Joint Trade Union Committee of the JSC «National Electric Networks of Uzbekistan»;

Chairman of the Joint Trade Union Committee — Khidirova Nodira Jahongirovna;

The number of primary trade union organizations — 22 branches and regional units;

The number of union members is 4,413 people, including:

  • women - 996 people;
  • youth - 998 people.

Address: 100084, Tashkent city, Yunusabad district, st. Osiyo, house 42. Phone: +998 (71) 208-56-32.

Website: uzbekistonmet.uz

Email: info@uzbekistonmet.uz

Information service of JSC « National Electric Networks of Uzbekistan»

